Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bulging Disc ' Herniated Disc ' Ruptured Disc -...

Bulging Disc ' Herniated Disc ' Ruptured Disc - Romo Chiropractic ' Spinal Decompression

Bulging Disc ' Herniated Disc ' Ruptured Disc -...

The bones of the spine are separated by tough cartilage pads called intervertebral discs (inter = "between"; vertebral = "bones of the spine"). Healthy discs are thick and flexible (like a wet sponge) allowing a wide range of bending and twisting motions. An unhealthy disc is stiff and hard (like a dry sponge) and prone to injuries such as bulging or herniation. Over time gravity, spinal joint dysfunction and accumulated trauma cause the discs to compress, flatten and degenerate. This constant compression prevents much-needed oxygen and nutrients from entering the disc. This ongoing starvation causes the once-tough outer layers of the disc to soften allowing the disc to become injured or diseased. Bulging Disc damage can occur anywhere...Read More

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