Hey doc, what's the best way to sleep?
Hey doc, what's the best way to sleep?
Hey doc, how should I sleep? September 28, 2006May 6, 2011by Dan zzzPatients always ask me which poistion they should sleep in. I wrote an article about it a while ago and I guess it’s time to re-publish it. Our readership is growing and some of you may have never read it before. What’s the best way to sleep? My patients usually ask me -“What is the best way to sleep?” to which I always answer: “Well, what position do you sleep in?” The reason for this reply is that just be modifying a couple of things here and there, you can get a restful and comfortable night’s rest no matter what position you actually sleep in. Yes, this is actually the preferred position to sleep because it places the least amount of stress to your spine-IF you:...Read MoreAmplifeied