"An intact nervous system will lead to optimum functioning of the human body." Dorland's Medical Text
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"An intact nervous system will lead to optimum functioning of the human body." Dorland's Medical TextAmplifeied
"An intact nervous system will lead to optimum functioning of the human body." Dorland's Medical Text
Everyone can improve their health by exercising more, watching what they eat, and relaxing. It's that simple.
Eat as many organically grown fresh foods as possible.
If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function. Get adjusted and get moving!
Water is responsible for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, as well as for regulating your body temperature and serving as the medium in which all of your body’s chemical reactions take place. Most people do not drink enough pure clean water.
Your body deserves the best, so give it the best.
"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Increase the intensity of your workouts. In order for you to benefit from exercise, the intensity has to be greater than your body is used to.
Every day is a new chance to make a positive change. Start with nutrition.
Your body is your most valuable possession. Take good care of it!
Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. Chiropractic emphasizes improving the health of the individual in order to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place.
Do you want to alleviate your TMJ symptoms? Consider chiropractic!
Exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness and can increase flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance. It also helps with weight reduction and contributes to an improved sense of well-being.
Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom and stay healthier throughout your lifetime.
You cannot be healthy and strong if you don't eat well.
We're three weeks into the new year and if you've stuck to your resolutions those healthy changes should be well on their way to becoming habits.
Don't just find the time to exercise, MAKE the time to exercise.
One of the easiest ways to improve your diet is to become a label reader. If the ingredients look like a chemical formula, put it back.
Getting your diet back on track after the holidays doesn't need to be overly complicated. Treat your body to fresh, whole, nutritious food and cut down on sugars and processed items.
Get away from artificial and back to real. Ask us about Vitamix on your next visit!
Physical exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness and can increase flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance.
You can think about pain as the primary way that the body lets you know that something is wrong and needs your attention. In this way, you can think about the word “pain” as an acronym for Pay Attention Inside Now.
Wherever the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, illness has a better chance of getting a foothold.
Dietary essentials for wellness include getting the five to ten servings of vegetables and fruits per day that will provide you with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary for optimum functioning.
Many expecting mothers turn to chiropractic to get relief during pregnancy.
Maintaining a healthy body requires a lifestyle that includes good dietary choices, an increase in activity level, healthy spinal alignment, stress reduction, and a positive mental attitude.
Positive expectancy and positive, powerful action toward a worthy goal creates the best probability of success and fulfillment.
Chiropractic care has almost zero side effects when used to reduce symptoms associated with ear infections.
If you have trouble motivating yourself to exercise, get it out of the way first thing in the morning.
Remove the interference with regular chiropractic care.
Everyday support can help your immune system tackle challenges year-round. Find out more >> http://bit.ly/1OZlc5o
You always have a choice and your health is the result of the choices you make day in and day out.
The child who knows unconditional love has the greatest gift the world can offer.
Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom, and stay healthier throughout your lifetime.
If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function.
Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom, and stay healthier throughout your lifetime.
The word “subluxation” comes from the Latin words meaning “to dislocate” (luxare) and “somewhat” or “slightly” (sub). So the term “vertebral subluxation” literally means a slight dislocation (misalignment) of the bones in the spine. Another way of understanding the word “subluxation” is to recognize the word-roots “sub,” meaning “below” (just as sub-marine means below the water), and “lux,” meaning “light,” which is the physiological expression of life. Life is light or electricity going through the nervous system animating our bodies, keeping us alive.
Water is responsible for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, as well as for regulating your body temperature and serving as the medium in which all of your body’s chemical reactions take place. Most people do not drink enough pure clean water.
"Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first." Matthew Jacobson
We can help you with lifestyle changes you can implement today to improve your overall quality of life.
Good health depends on developing good habits. This year, don't diet. Make good nutrition your lifestyle.
Make an appointment to talk to a chiropractic doctor about chiropractic and TMJ/TMD.
A wellness coach can assist you with identifying specific goals and provide you with the tools, perspective, and structure to accomplish your goals faster and with ease.
You have the power to influence your health with the lifestyle choices you make everyday.
Improved spinal alignment can be beneficial to people of all ages. It only makes sense that if you have a spine, you should see a spinal expert who is trained to help you keep your spine healthy.
As a general rule, eight glasses of pure water should be consumed per day. Water also helps detoxify disease-producing toxins from the environment such as air pollution, solvents, pesticides, paints, and home cleaners.
You can have excuses or you can have results. Not both.
The new year is yours to make. Let’s have a great one! 🌄 http://bit.ly/2gERp3t
Go ahead, get your hands dirty and skip the antibacterial soap.
A healthy diet is among the best weapons you have to fight disease. It’s not as hard as you may think! Remember, it is the overall pattern of your eating choices that counts.