Thursday, December 26, 2013

Try #chiropractic

Try #chiropractic


New Year, New You

New You Fitness Idea: Yoga integrates mind, body, and spirit and enhances health in many ways.

New Year, New You

New You Fitness Idea: Yoga integrates mind, body, and spirit and enhances health in many ways.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Upgrade With Chiropractic

Do you sometimes feel like you're running at dial-up speed? Upgrade your connection with chiropractic.

Upgrade With Chiropractic

Do you sometimes feel like you're running at dial-up speed? Upgrade your connection with chiropractic.

Is it time to stretch?

How often do you stretch?

Is it time to stretch?

Been sitting at your computer too long?  Save this comprehensive guide to stretches for stress relief to your desktop and you will have a handy reference.  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Less Yum, More OM

Don't let holiday stress drive you to that plate of cookies. Try some yoga instead.

Less Yum, More OM

Don't let holiday stress drive you to that plate of cookies. Try some yoga instead.

Connect To Health and Wellness

Connect To Health and Wellness

The spine and nervous system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.

Defend Yourself

Keep your immune system working properly by keeping your spine healthy and aligned.

Defend Yourself

This winter, do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly. One way to do this is to remove any source of irritation by keeping your spine healthy and aligned.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Subluxations block the nerve flow between brain...

Subluxations block the nerve flow between brain...

You can have a subluxation and not feel it, but your body's functions will be affected. Chiropractors detect and correct subluxations with a chiropractic adjustment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Guide for Back Care

I know this is a busy and stressful time of year. Please do not forget to take care of your self too!

Holiday Guide for Back Care

Stand Up Straight

​You can talk to us about ways you can improve your posture.

Stand Up Straight

You can t alk to us about ways you can improve your posture.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How's your curve?

Help restore your curves with regular chiropractic care.

How's your curve?

Your spine is designed to have normal curves in the neck, mid back and low back. Loss of any of these curves affects the structure and function of your nervous system. Help restore your curves with regular chiropractic care.

What 200 Calories Looks Like

Something to think about...

What 200 Calories Looks Like


Monday, December 2, 2013

What Can Chiropractic Treatments Help With You?

What Can Chiropractic Treatments Help With You?


So Many Falls!

Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause spinal misalignment.

So Many Falls!

Kids are rough and tumble! Chiropractic care is vital during childhood. Childhood Milestones: When baby begins to crawl, the natural curve of the neck is developed. The curve of the low back is developed as the child begins to sit, stand, and walk. Spinal checks at these 4 milestones will determine that these important curves are developing correctly. Correcting subluxations will develop better spinal curves, improving posture throughout the growth process. Falls: Falls are an inevitable part of the above mentioned milestones. In addition, the natural playful and active manner of children leads to falls from bicycles, skateboards, swings, see saws, monkey bars and the like. Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause...Read More