Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Caution Wet Paint
You're a couple of weeks into your chiropractic care and you're beginning to feel better already. You want to get back to your regular routine as soon as possible. There's a lot to do around the house, you've got a family to take care of and you can't wait to get back to exercising. We understand your urgency to start 'living' again. Problem is... the paint's not quite dry yet.
It's not uncommon to feel 'done' after a few adjustments. When the Innate, recuperative abilities of your body kick in, you might look and feel remarkably new... like a fresh coat of paint. But like a fresh coat of paint, looks can be deceiving. What seems completely dry (healed) on the surface, may still have a few tacky areas underneath. If you jump the gun and try to re-hang the fixtures, you might ruin the finish and have to start all over again.
Complete and thorough healing requires time. Even though you may feel like your old self after a few chiropractic sessions, it's no green light to go back to your old activities. The stabilizing phase of care (where you feel so good you wonder why you're still coming in) is where all the 'paint curing' happens. Give your body the time it needs to completely dry and you'll be happier with the end results. Until next time.
5 E-A-S-Y Steps to Take Stress Out of Your Life…NOW!
We ALL know that stress causes dis-ease. Stress creates tension and lack of motion. Stress clouds our ability to think with extreme clarity! Stress zaps motivation and inspiration. Bottom line…STRESS STINKS!! And that stench drives away life’s sweetest rewards. Have you noticed?
As your chiropractor, my primary goal is to locate and correct the results of physical, chemical, and emotional stressors (known as Subluxation) in your life thus ushering in a state of E-A-S-E and healing. The reality is that each and every day we are either moving in a healing direction or on a crash-course with dis-ease. Many are unaware that the solution…IT’S EASY!!! I look forward to sharing with you and supporting you on your journey. Let’s begin by investigating and implementing these 5 E-A-S-Y steps…NOW!!
1. Do Less-Not More!
Ø There’s a HUGE difference between busy-ness and productivity.
Ø Determine where you derive the MOST from each minute spent and leverage that
ü What form of exercise brings you the most enjoyment AND the greatest rewards?
ü Do THAT and forgo other activities that do not produce the same results.
Ø What activities do you MOST enjoy doing with your children, spouse or significant other?
ü Do those and forgo (delegate or just don't do) all other activities
Ø What produces the BEST results at work?
ü Focus on completing those tasks first every day and once those are done, THEN move on to the rest.
ü EVERY person on the planet only has 24-hours in a day. How is it that some accomplish so much and others just muddle by? The difference is how each individual spends their minutes. USE YOUR TIME WISELY and you’ll quickly discover that less IS more!
ü Strive to find the BEST in ALL areas of your life and then rinse and repeat!
2. There is ALWAYS Enough Time for Health!
Ø If you think you don’t have time to be healthy, how in the world do you have time to be sick?
Ø Why spend your life creating wealth only to have to use that wealth to try and regain your health? BUILD BOTH SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!
Ø What can you do in the shortest amount of time that provides the most BANG?
ü For me, that's my chiropractic adjustments. They only require 5 minutes each week and provide my body with the greatest opportunity for health. So in the weeks when my scheduleis SUPER jam-packed, I know I can at least make 5 minutes to have my "power turned on."
3. Keep a Stress Journal
Ø That which gets measured, gets improved. If you’re not consciously aware of what creates the most stress, you won’t know what to eliminate.
Ø Once you have recorded what creates the most stress you have two options:
· Victim: Believe the lie that you cannot do anything about it
· Empowered:
¨ Eliminate what you can that creates stress
¨ Accept WHAT IS...IS about the stress and stop giving it so much energy!
4. What's PERFECT About Right Now?
Ø This is the epitome of the optimistic attitude! Even in challenging times train your mind to wrap around what's PERFECT about right now? When adversity rears its head, ask what lessons can be learned even now? Life's most challenging moments are often the platform and launch pad for our greatest rewards and victories WHEN we embrace them and ChOOSE to grow through them.
Ø Our Consciousness drives our Habits/Actions; Our Habits/Actions fuel our Results; our Results produce our Lifestyle. It all begins in our minds and MUST be followed up with in our actions!!
Ø That which we focus on GROWS…so plant and fertilize the seeds that contribute to a life of E-A-S-E. You have a choice….what will it be?
5. Adopt Habits for SUCCESS and Unhook From the Results!
Ø We can PLAN, but we cannot predict! Do everything in your power to PLAN for and be prepared, but recognize that you simply cannot predict!
Ø Choose to focus on the ACTIONS that produce the rewards and absorb the emotions from those actions instead of waiting for the wave of emotion to “drown” you therefore forcing your action.
ü Ie: Most individuals never really feel like exercising or choosing veggies over chips and yet the emotions that one feels when they choose discipline over regret thereby exercising or eating healthy FAR outweighs the regret of laziness and chips.
Chiropractic Factoids
- According to a survey of 1500 adults commissioned by Landmark Health Inc., one in six U.S. adults uses chiropractic services.
- There are approximately 60,000 Doctors of Chiropractic in active practice in the United States today, according to the International Chiropractors Association.
- According to the October 6th 1999 MSNBC web site, the number of chiropractic visits per capita has doubled in the past 20 years.
- There are presently 16 chiropractic colleges in North America.
- For the first time in history there are now presently more Chiropractic Colleges outside the United States than inside the U. S.
- There are approximately 10,000 students enrolled in Chiropractic College.
- The Chiropractic profession was started in 1895, in Davenport Iowa.
How many of you knew that FEAR is really an Acronym? It stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. So when you look at it this way is there anything to really be afraid of. Now, do you know what cures FEAR? Action! Take massive actions steps throughout your day and live the life you know your where meant to life. Choose Robust Health the Natural Way through Chiropractic Care! LIVE FEARLESS!
Remember Living Fearlessly does not mean being foolish, it means Doing what you know you should inspire of fear! Live live with boldness because you are Courageous!
Asthma Study on Benifits of Chiropractic
Asthma has become a large health concern for children in recent years. Over the past 20 years theincidence of asthma has doubled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in 1998, approximately 17,299,000 people in the United States, or 6.4% of the population, with cases among very young children up 160%. As reported in the June 16, 1999 issue of JAMA, the CDC also noted that between 1980 and 1994, the number of people self-reporting asthma grew 75%.
In a study conducted in 1996 by the Michigan Chiropractic Council (MCC), a panel of doctors performed an out-come assessment study to test the qualitative and quantitative effectiveness of chiropractic care on children with asthma. The high demand of parents seeking alternative care for pediatric asthma was shown by the overwhelming interest in the study. More than 500 parents called the MCC seeking to get their child involved in the chiropractic study.
The study, which took place during May and June of 1996, examined the chiropractic effectiveness in correcting the cause of asthma in patients from birth to age 17. The average age of the participant was 10 years. "After 30 days of chiropractic health care, patients averaged only one attack, whereas prior to the study they were experiencing more than four attacks," said MCC Dr. Bob Graham, who directed the study. "Medications, which can be costly, were decreased by nearly 70 percent. Finally, patient satisfaction was rated 8.5 on a scale of 10." More than 70 chiropractors from 62 cities in Michigan studied more than 80 children suffering from asthma.
Chiropractic Helps Patients With Acute Back Pain and Sciatica with Disc Protrusion
A new study from Italy published in the March issue of The Spine Journal, showed that chiropractic care was effective in helping patients with acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion. This randomized double-blind clinical trial involved 102 ambulatory patients with at least moderate pain or radiating pain, who had an MRI study showing disc protrusion.
The patients were divided into two groups. One group received chiropractic adjustments 5 days per week by experienced chiropractors, with a maximum of 20 visits. The second group received what the study termed, "simulated manipulations" in order to have a group for comparison to those receiving real chiropractic care.
The results showed that those who got the real chiropractic care improved significantly over the group that received the simulated manipulations. In the group that received the chiropractic care, 55% were free of radiating pain in the follow ups compared to 20% of patients who got the simulated manipulations. Additionally, when measuring local pain, 28% of those who received real chiropractic were free of local pain, versus only 6% of those who got the simulated manipulation.
The results also showed improvements in days of pain with the group that received the real care reporting 6 less days of pain than those in the simulated care group. In addition to these benefits the group with the real care reported using less medications to help with the pain as a result of the chiropractic care.
In this study none of the patients in either group had any adverse effects, and one from each group did report no results at all and were listed as "treatment failures". The researchers conclusions were, "Active manipulations have more effect than simulated manipulations on pain relief for acute back pain and sciatica with disc protrusion."
Chiropractic Care for Children, When and Why
There is no such thing as to young or to old for Chiropractic care. Chiropractic patients range in years from birth to old age. Regardless of age, vertebrae can become misaligned. If a vertebrae become misaligned it can cause pressure or irritation to nerves thus causing them to malfunction. This process is known as a "Subluxation". For example, the birth process may cause trauma to the neck and spine. If left uncorrected, the vertebral subluxation may disturb the delicate spinal cord and nerves which control the infants muscles and organs. In some cases, an uncorrected subluxations may lead to a deformity of the spinal column. An early chiropractic checkup may detect subluxations while they are still easily correctable.
When should I start my child under Chiropractic care?
Your child should have a chiropractic examination as soon after birth as possible. Spinal trauma to an infant's or child's spine can occur during the birth process as well as from any number of tumbles while learning to sit up or walk. Your child's spine grows almost 50% in length during that first year (the equivalent of a six-footer growing to nine feet in just 12 months!). It's this kind of tremendous growth and developmental changes which make continued chiropractic examinations so important in the early stages of your child's life.
In Chiropractic we believe it's much more important to prevent diseases than wait till some illness occurs. Through regular adjustments, as well as awareness on proper diet, exercise and posture, Chiropractic can help you raise a child free of subluxations whose body is structurally and functionally sound. Your child will also learn good health habits at an early age which can be very beneficial to him or her as an adult.
Youngsters suffer numerous accidents and falls while learning to walk, riding a bike, or even while jumping or running around. But after their tears have dried, underlying injuries could go undetected-such as a subluxation during the spine's most formative period.
Regular Chiropractic spinal exams can provide corrective and preventive care for your son or daughter and peace of mind for you.
It is especially important to have your child under chiropractic care when your child takes part in athletic activities. The "sack" of a young quarterback could twist a young spine. A softball pitcher could throw a vertebra out of alignment. In Chiropractic we can do more than correct these problems, we can also help improve performance on and off the field by helping the body function at its optimum level, naturally without stress and without drugs.
How effective is chiropractic care for children?
Doctors of Chiropractic have been providing safe and effective care or children for nearly 100 years. There are several published studies conducted by researchers in Germany, Australia, Denmark and the United States which confirm the effectiveness of chiropractic for a variety of childhood illnesses. The scientific evidence is growing every day.
Business Publication Picks Up on Chiropractic Cost Savings
From the Nov. 22, 2004 Business Wire comes another in the long line of reports on a major study that has now shown that when chiropractic care is included in a health care plan, it reduces the cost of healthcare for those in the plan. The original study, published in the October 11th, 2004 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, was a 4 year review comparing more than 700 000 health plan members with an additional chiropractic coverage benefit and 1 million members of the same health plan without the chiropractic benefit.
The results of the study showed that members in the health plan with chiropractic insurance coverage, had lower annual total health care expenditures ($1463 vs. $1671 per member per year) compared with those without chiropractic coverage. The study also noted that having chiropractic coverage was associated with a 1.6% decrease in total annual health care costs at the health plan level.
The study and report also showed benefits in terms of utilization of health care services. For example the study noted that back pain patients with chiropractic coverage, compared with those without coverage, had lower utilization (per 1000 episodes) of plain film x-rays. Additionally, the average cost of a back pain episode in related costs was $289 for those in the plan with chiropractic compared to $399 for those in the plan without chiropractic coverage. The total savings to the health plan was estimated at $208 per member per year.
This latest report in Business Wire shows that the world of big business is attempting to reduce the cost of health care services and have begun to find that including chiropractic may provide a viable solution. The study was conducted by Health Benchmarks, a leading health care outcomes research organization that specializes in integrating complex sources of health care data to provide customized solutions that promote quality and value in health care.
Antonio P. Legorreta, M.D., M.P.H., President and CEO, Health Benchmarks Inc, summed this up by stating, "The results of our study indicate that the addition of chiropractic coverage reduces overall health care expenditures." Dr. R. Douglas Metz, a co-author of the study noted,"Systematic access to managed chiropractic care not only may reduce overall health care costs but also may prove to be clinically beneficial." Dr. Metz went on to say, "these findings impact health care providers and payers."
Drs. Ness and Nisly wrote an accompanying editorial in the same issue of the Archives. In it they stated, One of the study's greatest strengths clearly lies in the sheer magnitude of the sample investigated, resulting, to my knowledge, in one of the largest analyses ever performed on the economic impact of chiropractic."
Chiropractic Care May Help Adult ADHD
The above is the headline from a September 6, 2007 NewsMax article reporting on a pilot study, published in the August 23, 2007 Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. The preliminary study showed that chiropractic care helped test subjects with adult ADHD.
In this study 9 patients ranging in age from 22 – 58 years were evaluated using a specific test known as the "Test of Variable of Attention" (TOVA). The TOVA company who introduced the test describe the test on their website as "The T.O.V.A. is an objective, neurophysiological measure of attention, not a subjective rating of behavior. It is a 21.6 minute long, very simple "computer game" that measures your responses to either visual or auditory stimuli. These measurements are then compared to the measurements of a group of people without attention disorders."
The NewsMax article noted that In the United States, somewhere between 3-10 percent of children, and 1-6 percent of adults suffer from ADHD.
The study was performed in Lausanne, Switzerland by Yannick Pauli, DC, who is a chiropractor and the director of the "Centre Wellness NeuroFit", specializing in wellness neurology. He described the study by stating, "In this pilot study, we used objective outcome measures to evaluate attention in nine adult patients before and after two months of wellness chiropractic care."
The results of the study showed that after 2 months of chiropractic care, all patients had a significant change in ADHD score and 88% completely normalized their ADHD score. All 9 patients experienced significant improvement in concentration and additionally, 77% and 66% of patients experienced significant change in reaction time and variability score, respectively.
Matthew McCoy, DC, editor of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, added his comments in the NewsMax article, "This preliminary study is exciting. It is part of an increasing amount of research suggesting that chiropractic care may be an effective natural choice for people suffering from ADD/ADHD. It offers the possibility of a new option for millions of children and adults that are seeking to manage their conditions naturally."
Dr. Pauli concluded, "Although the results are preliminary and more research is needed, the outcome of the study suggests that patients suffering from attention deficit benefited from chiropractic care."
In the May 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) is a case report of how chiropractic helped a patient with Spinal Stenosis. In this study a 78-year-old man had low back pain and severe bilateral leg pains. Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a condition resulting in narrowing of the spinal canal and pressure on the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. Degenerative changes are also common. The patient commonly has chronic low back pain and unilateral or bilateral leg symptoms.
The patient in this study was a 78-year-old man with acquired degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. The onset was slow and progressive with increasing low back pain of 2 years' duration and progressively worsening bilateral anterior leg pain of 4 months' duration. The patient described an "achy low back" pain with a belt-line distribution and an "electric," "sharp," and "crampy" pain along the front of the lower leg. The MRI study of his lower back reveled a narrowing of the spinal canal.
In this case the man underwent an initial course of chiropractic care for a two week period during which significant changes were noted by the patient. The conclusion of the case report demonstrates successful care of a patient with symptoms either caused by or complicated by central spinal cord stenosis.
Chiropractic Gives A More Balanced Team
From the Savannah, Georgia Morning News, February 23, 2001 issue comes a human story of a young woman basketball player, Caroline Moore. It seems a year ago Moore was unable to play for her team the "Beach Lady Bulldogs", until starting with chiropractic care. "I know things happen for a reason," she said. "But I was disappointed. I was crying."
According to the paper, a local chiropractor discovered a problem in her right hip which left her right leg approximately one quarter of an inch shorter than her left leg. After a chiropractic examination, x-rays and numerous chiropractic visits, as well as her work ethic, her leg difference has been decreased in length to an extremely small amount. As a result Moore's coach felt compelled to comment. His comments were, "I have gained a new-found respect for Caroline because of her courage and determination. I don't know if I could do what she's done."
Behavioral Changes and Chiropractic Care, A Case Study
A documented case study published in the October 4, 2006 issue of the peer reviewed publication, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR), describes the results of chiropractic care on an 8-year-old boy with many learning and behavioral disorders. Additionally, his mother reported that the boy also suffered from, severe headaches, neck pain, constant blood shot eyes, stomach pains, an inability to sit still, incoordination, behavioral problems and learning difficulties. She noted that the child's medical doctor had no explanation for these problems.
It was noted that the majority of the boy's problems started after a fall he had 18 months earlier. The mother also noted that her son had normal development, activity and learning skills until the accident. Finally the mother brought the boy to a chiropractor. The chiropractor performed an examination and x-rays. It was noted that there was a restriction in neck movement and tenderness over certain neck vertebrae. After review of all the findings it was determined that vertebral subluxations were present.
Care was initiated for corrections of subluxations with visits initially starting at once per week for the first two months. However, as documented in this case, positive changes started occurring quickly. After the third adjustment the boy's mother brought in the spelling tests the child had taken. The tests prior to care showed severe problems as the child could only get two or three correct out of ten. After the second adjustment, the child scored a 100% and his tests continued to show drastic improvement. His teachereven noted that the boy was able to, "sit still and concentrate without disturbing the other children."
The child continued to receive reports from school commenting on his academic improvement as well as his social interactivity. The authors of the case study noted that there were many possible explanations for the results seen in this case. However, they noted that other than the usage of over the counter medications reported by the mother, the young boy did not take any prescribed medication. The only change that directly correlated with the improvement in this young boy was the introduction of chiropractic care.
Bacteria That Are Good for You
On March 26, 2001 MSNBC ran a story called "Friendly Infections". The basis of the story is that when we kill bacteria involved with a cold, we are not only creating stronger harmful bacteria, but we are also causing problems with the normal bacteria that are supposed to be in our bodies.
The story mentions that our bodies contain approximately 400 species of helpful or "friendly" bacteria, known as "probiotics." Most of these can be found clinging to the walls of our stomachs and intestines.
It has been known for some time that these friendly bacteria aid in our digestion, ward off other harmful microbes and help us process folic acid and other critical nutrients. These friendly bacteria come from many sources including, breast milk, yogurt, buttermilk, fermented cheese, cultured milk and fermented soybeans. Scientists have long suspected a link between these microbes and good health. A Russian bacteriologist Elie Metchnikoff won a Nobel Prize in the early 1900s for linking yogurt consumption to longevity.
Studies suggest that having a good supply of these friendly bacteria can help ward off bladder infections, vaginal infections, even sexually transmitted diseases. Europeans regularly include things such as yogurt and fermented milk into their diet and consider these to be assisting in good health. Unfortunately, Americans consume fewer fermented dairy products than any other developed country. Not so coincidentally, Americans have a very high rate of digestive problems.
Chiropractors Mobilize to Protect Children's Rights
Manitoba, Canada has become the focal point of a heated battle by the chiropractic profession to protect the rights of children to receive the benefits of chiropractic care. Over the past year several anti-chiropractic forces have started a false smear campaign to gain publicity by trying to say that chiropractic care may be dangerous. This flies in the face of all evidence showing that chiropractic has always been among the safest health care professions.
In spite of facts to the contrary the Canadian smear campaign has been effective and accomplished their first goal in getting the government of Manitoba to discontinue chiropractic coverage for children up to the age of 19. This move effectively forces many children away from a natural choice of chiropractic and toward drugs or surgery. In a statement dated May, 10, 2002, one of the world's renowned chiropractic pediatric experts, Dr. Maxine McMullen Vice President of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and founder and president of the ICA Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics stated, "This decision is not based on science or good health care practice. Chiropractic care has been proven to be safe and effective for children and people of all ages. This decision is based in fear and not in fact. The world chiropractic community will mobilize to take those steps necessary to see that fairness and open accessfor all people prevail."
Other chiropractic organizations have also begun to mobilize. In a release dated May, 8, 2002 Dr. Jeanne Ohm, Secretary of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association asked all their members to, "Please e-mail the Premier of Manitoba, the Honorable Gary Doer with a short, professional e-mail on behalf of chiropractic care for children. Take the moment now to turn this around. His address: Premier@leg.gov.mb.ca .
In the 1970's the American Medical Association was sued for restraint of trade and antitrust activities. In that famous "Wilk vs. AMA suit", the AMA lost, and had to publicly admit wrongdoing in their journals as well as cease any illegal and unlawful activity against chiropractic. Since then the AMA has been barred from the types of false smear campaigns in the US that have now taken place in Canada. The chiropractic community and the patients we serve are continuing to mobilize to reverse this situation. It is our belief that everyone should have open access to chiropractic care if that is the form of health care they choose.
Aspirin, Acetaminophen May Prolong the Flu
The above is the title of an article on the DrKoop.com web site from Dec. 06, 2000 Reuters Health Information. The article reports on research by Karen I. Plaisance, MD; Philip A. Mackowiak, MD published in the Achieves of Internal Medicine. The essence of the article states that taking aspirin or similar drugs to decrease a fever will increase the duration of the Flu.
For many years common practice was to treat the fever of a Flu by taking aspirin and reducing the fever. This new research has confirmed what chiropractors and others have been saying for years. Fever is a defense mechanism designed to help the immune system by raising body temperature.
The article was a review of several studies. In this article it was revealed that flu sufferers who took one of the anti-fever medications such as aspirin, were sick an average of 3.5 days longer than people who did not take any of the drugs.
According to coauthor, Dr. Karen I. Plaisance, "The extra sick days may be an acceptable trade-off for the relief they get from such medications". She continued, "Depending on what it is you have to get done ... you may be willing to take that. Some busy people would rather be somewhat sick for a longer time than be nearly wiped out for a shorter period."
According to the report, the investigators found that anti-fever drugs such as aspirin or Tylenol, prolonged the duration of the flu. On average, flu symptoms lasted 5.3 days in participants who did not take aspirin or acetaminophen, compared with 8.8 days in people who took the anti-fever drugs. Even an analysis that took into account the severity of illness, the use of anti-fever drugs was still linked to longer-lasting illness.
According to the authors the mechanism that links the drugs to prolonged flu symptoms is unclear. However, they do mention the possibility that reducing fever may interfere with the immune system responses to an infection. In other studies on reducing fever, similar findings were reported in cases of chickenpox.
The underlying message of these studies should suggest that interfering with the defense mechanisms of the body, such as fever, may reduce some symptoms but will prolong the time the body needs to fight off infections and illness.
Children Addicted to TV Run Higher Risk of Spinal Problems
An article in the November 8, 2004 edition of the "Daily Record" from Glasgow in the United Kingdom, reports on a study showing that children who watch TV for large amounts of time are more likely to suffer spinal problems and pain.
The study conducted by the British Chiropractic Association, looked at 200 secondary school aged children. They found that boys spent an average of 41 hours in front of the TV (or video game) per week while girls spent only 21 hours. The article notes that one quarter of them are lying down with their heads up placing extra tension on the neck and upper back areas. The article also notes that heavy backpacks seem to additionally contribute to the problem.
The article explains that the additional time in a non-active posture does not permit the spine to strengthen during the years of development, which last up till around age 18. Dr. Chris Turner, achiropractor in West London, said: "The major factors in children's back problems are a more sedentary way of life and lack of exercise." He continued, "This means their muscles do not work very well and leads to strains when they are used, especially for carrying relatively heavy weights, including school bags."
The research also noted that 44% of children with school bags do not use both straps and instead carry the bags unevenly with only one strap. Dr. Scott Miller, the chiropractor who led the research, explained by saying: "Children's bones are soft up to the age of 18. Discs in the spine are stronger than the bones and so deform if you keep carrying weight on one side." He added, "Because many children lead sedentary lives, the bones aren't getting the exercise they need to get strong. Then they are subjected to the horrendous weight of school bags, so the spine distorts."
Bad Back Linked to Driving Posture
From the October 10, 2003 BBC News comes a report that urges people to be aware of their posture while driving. Whether in Britain or in the United States, people spend much of their lives driving. The article notes that poor posture while driving contributes to spinal problems. According to the British Chiropractic Association, (BCA), 32,000 people each month visit one of the BCA members with a back problem related to poor driving posture.
Dr. Tim Hutchful, from the BCA, says that people who sit incorrectly in car seats are asking for trouble. He said: "There is almost twice as much pressure on your back when you are sitting incorrectly than there is if you stand up." He goes on to state, "Those most at risk are the people who not only spend long periods of time in the car, but also those who make infrequent short journeys in the car, because it can be compared to an unaccustomed form of exercise."
The BBC article concludes with a list of tips for proper driving posture from the British Chiropractic Association. These are:
- Relaxing at the wheel: A relaxed driving position reduces stress on the spine
- Always adjusting the seat when you enter the car
- Taking regular breaks from driving - once every two hours or so
- Clench your buttocks if stuck in traffic - add some side bends and shoulder shrugs if possible
- Unload items off the back seat from the back doors of the car, rather than the front
- Don't wear tight clothes while driving
Chiropractic Adjustments Help Dysmenorrhea
In the March 2008, issue of the the scientific periodical, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), is a case series documenting specific chiropractic techniques helping women suffering from monthly menstrual pains. This study looked at the effect of specific chiropractic adjustments on women who suffered with monthly menstrual pains from dysmenorrhea.
The study was conducted on 13 women with an average age of 26 years, with the youngest being 20 and the oldest 45. The women included in this study all reported that they had symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea during all of their menstrual cycles during the previous year. All of the women suffered from low back pain, lower abdominal pain, and general abdominal pain each menstrual cycle.
The time period of the study covered 2 menstrual cycles for the women so the effects of care could be looked at for two consecutive cycles. Prior to care, all women were asked to rate their pains so that a baseline could be established. All subjects were asked to initially rate their pain from 0 to 10 with zero being no pain and ten being the "worst pain you could possibly imagine".
The results of this study showed a considerable improvement for most all of the subjects in each of their two subsequent cycles after chiropractic adjustments. The results for the women showed that their lower abdominal pain decreased from an average rating of 8.3 before care, down to a rating of 5.0 and 3.6 for the subsequent two cycles. Likewise, their general abdominal pain decreased from an average of 7.0 before care to 3.2 and 2.1, and their lower back pain decreased from an average of 6.0 down to 3.2 and 2.7 for subsequent cycles. In addition to the primary symptoms, the women in the study also noted improvements in secondary symptoms which included headaches, fatigue, diarrhea and constipation.
The researchers concluded that menstrual pain associated with primary dysmenorrhea may be alleviated with the specific chiropractic care rendered in this study.
Chiropractor Helps Professional Football Team
A feature story appearing in the June 30, 2005 edition of the Catonsville Times in Maryland celebrated the 10 year anniversary that a chiropractor had been helping the Baltimore Ravens Professional Football team. Ten years ago the Ravens came to town. At that time Dr. Doug Miller (right) started his relationship with the team that has lasted since then.
Dr. Miller became the team's chiropractor by contacting the Ravens shortly after their move from Cleveland and telling officials about the services he provided to other sports teams in the area. He was on the playing field when the Baltimore Ravens won the 2000 Superbowl. He can also be found in the locker room and on the field on most Sundays during football season.
Raven's trainer Bill Tessendorf, refers most of the players that Dr. Miller sees for chiropractic care. Tessendorf, who has 32 years of experience as an NFL trainer explained, "A player favoring a knee or an ankle can cause alignment problems elsewhere. A chiropractor can help with a lot of those issues."
Dr. Miller explained that chiropractic care still remains misunderstood. Most of his services are not necessarily related to the treatment of injuries. He explains, "It's not just about relieving pain from backaches and injuries," he said. "It's about achieving optimum health. We can do a lot to help with the conditioning of muscles and joints."
The article notes that presently almost every NFL team has a chiropractor on staff.
Whole Grain Diet Helps Prevent Stroke
From the September 27, 2000 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association is the report of a study showing how whole grain bread can drop stroke risk by 43%. Dr. Simin Liu of Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston conducted a study that followed the health and stroke frequency of nurses over a multi year period. The study paid specific attention to dietary concerns and intake of whole grain bread. In the JAMA report Dr. Liu commented, "replacing refined grains with whole grains by even one serving a day may have significant benefits in reducing the risk of ischemic stroke." Her final conclusion of the study was, "higher intake of whole grain foods was associated with a lower risk of ischemic stroke among women."
Cancer Patients Quality of Life Improved With Chiropractic
An article published in the January 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics follows two case studies of patients with various types of serious cancer. The article follows the chiropractic care and it's effect on these patients pain and quality of life.
Gastric cancer cells in ascites fluid The first patient was a 57-year-old man with serious terminal pancreatic cancer. This patient received chiropractic care during the later stages of the disease. In the remaining time the patient had before succumbing to the disease it was documented that the patient had significantly less pain and was able to reduce his medications. The journal article summed up this case by stating, "In this case chiropractic care was able to provide significant pain relief, reduce the amount of pain medication being taken (as well as the potential side effects), and temporarily improve the quality of life for a patient with terminal cancer."
The second patient was a 54-year-old man recovering from surgery for lung cancer. This patient was continually suffering from upper back pain and had gotten no relief for over one year. At that point the patient began chiropractic care. In this case the patient received immediate relief and was able to discontinue all pain medication after two chiropractic visits.
The principles of chiropractic make it plain that the focus of chiropractic care is not to directly treat the patient's pain but rather to assist the body and allow the body's own healing abilities to work at that person's maximum potential. These case studies show that ability and the effect on people suffering with serious conditions. The Journal article states it best when it said, "These clinical examples offer 2 specific instances of how chiropractic may improve the quality of a cancer patient's life."
Arthritis Patients Turn to Chiropractic
The Annals of Internal Medicine (of all places) published the results of a survey of 232 people who had arthritis and were under a rheumatologists care. Of those 63% responded to the survey by saying they were using some form of "complementary care" as named by the study. Of those people 31% were using chiropractic. These number may themselves be grossly under reported as only 45% of the patients told their doctor about using the other forms of care.
These reported numbers translate to over 19% of the public who is seeing a rheumatologists is also seeing a chiropractor. And if less that half of the patients are telling their doctor about it the actual number may be twice as high.
Possibly the most impressive statistic was that 73% of those trying chiropractic found it helpful. The reasons given why people said they tried the non-medical care was to control pain, because they heard it helps, because it is safe, because it helped someone they know, and because their prescription medication wasn't working.
Are Your Decisions Based on Fear
Believe it or not, most health decisions today are based on fear. By this, I mean that the choices that people make about their health on a day-to-day basis are not because they want to enhance theirindividual health, but are rather out of fear of succumbing to some sort of sickness or disease. Over my 26 years in health care, it has become very apparent to me that most people operate in a state of severe contradiction and fear related to their health care
In most instances, this type of fear is so engraved in the way we have been taught that we are not even aware that we are reacting to it. Even the thought of preventative care itself is not wellness, but rather an attempt not to be the victim of a sickness or disease. Getting rid of fear in your health decisions means doing things that enhance your wellness, not just avoiding sickness.
Here's an analogy that may help you see the difference. Ask yourself the following question:
- To be able to function better and be more productive in your house and carry on your needed household activities.
- To be able to move around in your house without tripping over anything and possibly injuring yourself.
- You turn on the lights because you are afraid of the dark.
It's probably obvious that answer "c" is an action taken out of fear. But, what is probably not as obvious is that so is answer "b". If the answer "b" came into your decision making, then you were turning on the light for preventative reasons. In fact, you were turning on the lights because you were afraid of being injured. Only choice "a" is the choice that was not motivated by fear. I'm sure that you don't run around the house at night in deep thought as to why you turned on your lights. The decision to turn on the lights is at this point automatic. But, the basic reasons why you turn on the lights are still present, even if you don't consciously think about it.
The same is true with how most of society makes decisions on health care. In many cases, the decision is not based on deep thought, but is, rather, automatic. But even if automatic, the underlying reasons for most of the decisions about health today are based on fear.
In order to better illustrate this, and to see if you make your decisions based on fear, take the short quiz below. Some of the answers may seem obvious. Others may seem on the surface not to be based on fear, but upon a closer look, are based on prevention which is a form of fear. See if you make your health decisions out of fear, or an attempt to enhance your own personal wellness. After you've answered all the questions, check to see if your answers were based on fear.
Question One
If your child falls and scrapes his or her knee, and you decide to put something on it like mercurochrome, bactine, iodine, peroxide or something similar, why did you do it?
- If you don't, infection will set in and serious problems could occur.
- Applying medicine kills bacteria and prevents infection.
- The medicines help your child's body heal the cut faster.
If your answer was "a", your response was strictly out of fear. Fear that something serious would happen to your child if you didn't act to help. Whether or not something would happen doesn't matter, you are not taking any chances. Making this decision out of fear doesn't make you a bad parent or anything, but fear does close your mind to other alternatives that may exist. If you say that there aren't any other alternatives that make sense, then it was fear that kept you from ever searching for them.
If your answer was "b" you're still acting out of fear. By trying to prevent something you are in fear of it. Although this fear is not as great as answer "a", your decision in this matter is still clouded by fear of a consequence rather that an honest attempt for a positive effect.
Only if your answer was "c" did you not act out of fear. If you believed that the medicine enhances your child's defenses and helps him or her heal faster, you acted without fear. Unfortunately, answer "c" is not true. Medicine in no way enhances anyone's innate healing abilities. But, by answering "c", you are probably not blinded by fear and are open enough to see other methods that may, in fact, promote healing and wellness in your child.
Question Two
If you're watching your diet and keeping your fat intake low, why do you do this?
- Because fat can buildup in my arteries and can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems.
- Because I want to lose weight, and I want to prevent health problems in the future.
- Because I want to eat food that is healthy and will keep my body functioning at its optimal potential.
Here again if you answered "a" your answer was out of fear. Fear that you may come down with some serious illness, disease or life-threatening condition. Even answer "b" of prevention, was based on fear to a lesser degree. Only answer "c" was based on wanting to accomplish a positive effect without fear of some other negative consequence. There is a big difference between wanting a body that is functioning at its "optimal potential", and wanting to avoid disease or sickness. One is based on wanting a positive, the other based on avoiding a negative.
Question Three
If you have your children vaccinated, why do you do this?
- Because vaccinations create a healthier immune system in my child and allow the defense systems to function at a high level of their innate abilities.
- Because I'm a responsible parent and I don't want to expose my child to any unnecessary health risk.
- Because if I don't I run the risk of having my child get some very serious and potentially life-threatening diseases.
- Because it's the law and I don't have a choice.
Probably no issue more than this one really tests your perspective on health issues. Among my patients, no issue has stronger feelings. Yet, I can honestly say that none of my patients actually has all the facts and information on this topic. In fact, very few people investigate this or even read much literature on this subject, yet most of people have strong opinions one way or the other. My responses to your answers on this subject are based upon the personal research I have done as well as the volume of literature I have read on the subject of immunizations.
If your answer was "a" you did not answer out of fear. Very few people actually use this answer and there's a good reason for this. Nothing in answer "a" is true. Immunizations do not create a healthier anything. Immunizations also do not allow your child's immune system to function at a higher level.
Answer "b" is probably the most common answer given for this question, but it is based on fear. If you don't really know how immunizations are suppose to work, and you don't know the reality about what protection you are, or are not getting, then your decision to immunize your children is based on the fear of the diseases you immunize them against. If this were not true, would you immunize your child against an illness that is never serious? Of course not. In fact, immunizations are only available for conditions that most people consider serious or dangerous. This is because most people would not bother with a vaccination for something they didn't consider a threat.
If you answered "c" your answer was purely out of fear. Fear of a terrible disease or consequence to your child. This fear is so real that most people accept this fear as reality without ever seeing any evidence themselves. This fear is what drove millions of people get the recent flu vaccine. Even though there was clear evidence that the vaccination being distributed was not even the right one for this recent flu outbreak.
If you answered "d" the only real fear you have is of the authorities telling you that your child can't go to school, or that you are a bad parent or something. Unfortunately, this is the weakest argument for getting vaccinations. First of all, it is not true that you have no choice. There are exemptions for religious reasons and health reasons. But, the logic behind this law escapes me. If the authorities want us to believe that immunizations are such a good thing, why do we need a law that tries to force us to have them against our will?
Question Four
Why should you go to the chiropractor to get adjusted?
- To get rid of my back or neck pain, or what ever else I have, so that I can feel better.
- To prevent myself from having future pains or problems like the ones that brought me to the chiropractor in the first place.
- To allow my nerve system to function free of interference, therefore allowing my body's own innate abilities to function and express themselves at their highest potential.
Although answers "a" and "b" are the most common reasons that people go to chiropractors, they are both based on fear. In these cases it is usually the fear of pain. Pain is a big motivator. It is what makes most people seek out some form of health care. Unfortunately, pain is a warning after a problem has shown up. If pain is your motivation for seeking chiropractic care, this is a response based on fear.
Answer "c" is the only answer here that is both true and not based on fear. Wanting your body to function on a better and healthier level is a good non-fear reason for seeking chiropractic care. This is commonly the reason that chiropractors themselves and their families receive chiropractic adjustments. Although this is not the reason that most patients come to the chiropractor, most chiropractors wish it were.
As you can see, fear is a strong motivator. As I said in the beginning, it is the reason why most people make the health decisions they do. Unfortunately, most decisions are not based on what is good, but rather avoiding what is bad. If we are ever to really change our health care delivery system, fear has to be replaced by rational thought, knowledge, understanding, and a respect for the human body. To borrow a quote, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
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